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Parametric FEM planet carrier

The following tutorial will demonstrate the modeling, meshing, and calculation of a parametrically generated FEM planet carrier.


Modeling the planetary stage

  1. Create a new model 010_new_model.png (Project → New)

  2. Add a planetary stage

    Right-click on the gear unit in the Model Tree and add a new planetary stage component.

  3. Specify the gear data

    For "construction of the planet carrier," select option (1): "double plate carrier assembly - bearing on pins." The other gear data does not need to be changed.


Specifying the parameters for the struts

  • Add and edit the strut geometry

    Select the planet carrier component in the Model Tree and change to the FEM Geometry tab. Activate specification of the gear geometry (1). Adjust the "radius of planetary gap" and "wall thickness" (2) as shown in the image. Activate the "strut opening extends through the side-plate" option (3).


Meshing and calculating the stiffness

  1. Start the mesher

    Right-click on the planet carrier in the Model Tree to start the mesher.

  2. Meshing parameters

    You can choose any meshing parameters you like for this tutorial. Click "preview surface mesh" (1) for a visual preview. If the surface mesh meets your requirements, click "create volume mesh" to complete the meshing.

  3. Snap the coupling nodes

    Right-click on the planet carrier in the Model Tree and select "snap FE coupling nodes."


    Click (1) to automatically snap the coupling nodes between the FE planet carrier and the analytical gear. Click (2) to hide the gear unit and check the snapped bearing nodes.

  4. Calculate the stiffness

    Select the planet carrier in the Model Tree and double-click "calculate stiffness."



    Once calculated, the stiffness matrix is saved in the gear model (.wbpz). It does not need to be calculated every time the model is loaded.

  5. Consider the stiffness in the overall system

    Check "use external stiffness matrix."

    The deformation of the planet carrier is now considered in the system calculation.



    If the stiffness is not considered, the planet carrier will be hidden in the 3D model and a warning message will be shown.