REXS interface

REXS (Reusable Engineering EXchange Standard) is the standard interface for exchanging gearbox data in the drive technology industry. This interface can be used to exchange technical gearbox information between different systems. Comprehensive documentation of the REXS specification is available in German and English at
REXS export
REXS files can be exported via either the FVA-Workbench user interface or the scripting function exportModel().
A REXS file can be created for the FVA-Workbench gearbox model via Import/export -> Export REXS file:

(1) Output path: path and file name for the output file
(2) REXS version: version of the REXS specification to be used for the export
(3) EDAT/RDAT: selection of whether only input values (EDAT) or also calculated values (RDAT) should be exported (refer to Data integrity (EDAT/RDAT))
(4) Empty attributes: selection of whether all attributes included in the REXS specification should be exported, including non-calculated (empty) attributes.
Only information that is included in the selected version of the REXS interface is exported. As the scope of the REXS interface specification does not correspond to the scope of modeling and calculation options in the Workbench, not all of the information contained in the Workbench model can be exported.
REXS import
An FVA-Workbench gearbox model can be created from a REXS file via Import/export -> Import REXS file.